Prior to the creation of words life must have just happened in a meaningless thought free NOW.
As we evolved a noise asigned to a particular picture was uttered creating a word.
As more and more words were created a new way to communicate had evolved.
Over time a language of separation using words to divide apsects of the one NOW into different parts was born. (good, bad, light, dark, love, hate, right , wrong).
Duality then became the language of mans reality.
The ego seems to have arisen in tandem with the evolution of language to give creedence to the meaning of words.
Yet whatever existed prior to language needed no words or ego or meaning just to be.
If there is no meaning in words other than what we have assigned them , can it be seen that there can be no meaning to ego either.
True egolessness is the natural condition of the unified field of existence and it includes all there is.
Egoity is an unnatural condition that appears to have arisen to give life to mans language of words, concepts and subsequent beliefs.
Consider the meaning man has given to the most meaningful word of all , the word 'ME' . Upon this foundational word all other language is constructed.
'Me' means 'I' as a separate idendity apart from all other life . An isolated thing-ego all alone forever struggling to live peacfully with it's false self and all other falsely labelled and therefore artificially separated life forms .
Only by seeing through our artificial language of words and their meaninglessness , can we drop our attachment to our artificial concept of 'ME' ,our illusory ego.
Without a 'ME' anymore, and all the accompanying language of 'ME', egolessness naturally arises in an unspoken language of love and ONENESS that requires no sound or meaning to convey.
The name of this site has been inspired by the travels of two ‘seekers’ whose paths crossed serendipitously a year ago and have since forged a strong friendship based on the similarities of their past journeys and the direction of their current travels. It has been said the journey of a seeker has arisen not so much because of the search for oneness, but more to find an end to feelings of separation.
Lovely - thank you for sharing WW.