From the Mouth of the Tiger

From the Mouth of the Tiger
Ramana Maharshi, the great Indian sage, has said the path of the seeker is not an easy one
and once you have taken that path “your head is already in the Tigers mouth”
meaning it is impossible to ever return to your life as you knew it before.

Our intention is to share our personal accounts and insights gathered from the many and various roads
we have travelled down trusting they may inspire or be of some comfort and even practical use to our readers.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The ego creates karma .....

The ego keeps creating karma for itself
to ensure it survives
as the self perpetuating force
to keep it bodybound forever.


Insight on Ferry,
cutting its way to Circular Quay.

"The soul is the force of the ego rushing to the next life"

--- Robert Adams

meaning within the universe

The manifest world is totally devoid of any meaning.
So we fill that void with our own  versions so we can feel we matter.
We make the whole thing up and then are chained in the story.
Hillarious when it is seen methinks.

Consciousness playing advaita ping pong - Tuesday 14th September

9:35 am
WW: When dreaming you recognise the presence of a silent disembodied witness
observing the action.
 In the waking state the silent watcher gets covered over by the action being percieved as real.
Only by recognising the waking state is just another dream state can we make peace with maya.

4:14 pm
K: Things happen to us so as to bring about the Understanding.
Such things have no uniformity of any kind from the point of view
of interrelated concepts of the acceptable and the unacceptable.

4:30 pm
K: The master key is witnessing without trying to find out any significance
to the event(s) concerned, which in effect means disassociation from the event;
not being afraid of the ego.

4:57 pm
K: All there is is Consciousness.
If all is water, there is no question of a drop of water seeking its "waterness",
or seeking union with water!

5:02 pm
WW: Whatever you are no longer holding on to
no longer holds on to you.

5:05 pm
WW: The total love of the entire universe kills the ego 

5:13 om
WW: The ego has to think to exist but the
I AM Consciousness is self existent.
[Robert Adams]

5:18 pm
K:  It only appears to you that there is an entry into the "I AM".
"I AM" is the normal state and movements out of the normal state
are merely movements in Consciousness.

5:22 pm
The I does not belong to you.
Consciousness is playing advaita ping pong
through us

5:24 pm
K: What a great game it is too.

8:31 pm
K: Your true nature you know in deep sleep.
It simply means that your true nature is the absence
of the "ME" that wants to know his/her true nature.

the nondual and equanimous Buddha Eye

There are no eyes
looking at each other
just one immense
Buddha eye
seeing itself
through us all.

Be like the moon the sun and the stars x let go and let god x x

The planets and the entire cosmos keeps turning.

It does not ask why it is here or what makes it turn.

Only man endowed with his doubtful gift of self reflection

would be so crazy to believe he can effect this immense power

or exert over it any control.

x x x x

Who am "I"? What am "I"? .... cool evaporations of maya

Hi guys

A person suggested this on the Sedona Blog site . I love it its a great release you can add anything you want. In my own words then.....

If there is NO ME AT ALL now ,
no fixed person (As Hale does with his 5th way),
and Ramesh, Buddha , Lester etc (BE NOT THE DOER)

Then there must NEVER EVER EVER have been a ME at all.

Consider this also if there is no me and never was

THEN there must have NEVER EVER BEEN BEFORE for example

A me who wanted approval

A me who was scared of dying

A me who wanted to control

A me who wanted to change what was.

A me who used to travel

A me who smoked and drank and ran around with wild men (put that in for you PETE hahah)

A me called who was a mother (Fill in the blanks)

A me who worked here there and everywhere

A me who was sick

A me who wanted to be secure

A me who lived in Australia (Fill in the Country )

Etc Etc Fill in the blanks

How totally cool evaporations of maya

Does anyone else get a powerful release doing this or is it just Never was a me hahahahah
